Top rated telescopes for beginners

The website Astronomy Telescopes is dedicated to providing all the information you could possibly need about the galaxy, space, the cosmos, and everything in between! We offer you a broad selection of instruments, equipment, and technology relevant to space and astronomy. The crew here works hard to research and evaluate all devices that are available.

The Astronomy Telescopes is the provide many types of telescops for every user. The celestron 70 mm travel scope is some one else, This telescope comes with a diagonal eyepiece holder, 10mm and 20mm eyepieces, a 5x24 finder scope, a travel backpack, and a tripod. It is easy to use and inexpensive, making it an excellent telescops for beginners. Its small and compact size makes it easy to transport.

  • Cheap and easy to use
  • Lightweight
  • Mobile app for exploring through the night sky
  • Portable
  • Great for beginner astronomers and children

  • Not fit for experts
  • Tripod not very sturdy
  • Cheap Build


A strong endorsement for Astronomy Telescopes. I signed up after using another online telescope service provider. If you process the images on your own, the quality is really outstanding. It is possible to use the scopes exclusively - the pricing model is reasonable, though exclusive imaging is generally rather expensive with all providers. In the event of a problem, you will receive a prompt response. Overall, a fantastic opportunity for Astronomy Telescopes.


Amazing service for Astronomy Telescopes that allows you to reserve telescope time and improve your processing abilities. If you are an astronomer, this is a great company to look into.


The Astronomy Telescope is live platform and website are very well thought out and organized. Your team has done a magnificent job and I look forward to being a member for life. Thank you for a wonderful experience!

Planets Telescope Orion Astroview 90mm eq Refractor

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  • 3120 Woodsboro Drive, Norman, Oklahoma 73072, USA

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